Paul Merryck is an Essex based comedian who has been making a name for himself as one of the more original and outrageous character acts on the London/South-East circuit. Feckless, amoral and utterly unabashed, the middle-aged chancer he portrays, disdainfully deconstructs the disaster that is his life, in a hilarious sequence of short gags and tall stories.
Paul regularly appears professionally in London for Angel Comedy, Hampstead Comedy Club, Bearcat Comedy and Monkey Business Comedy amongst others, and for many other promoters outside London including Mirth Control, Funhouse Comedy, Out of Bounds Comedy and Suffolk Punch Comedy. He regularly MCs at TNT Comedy in Kentish Town and Funny for Nothing in Borough. He also manages and comperes a monthly professional night at ACanteen in Chelmsford, called AComedy Club. He has performed every year at the Edinburgh Festival since 2016, and took his first 1-hour show to the Hastings Comedy Festival in June 2018, and in 2019 he performed his one man show ‘Local Businessman Unrepentant’ at The Bill Murray in London, and at the Leicester and Brighton Fringe Festivals. He followed this up with his latest show ‘Lies, Alibis and Filthy Stories’ at the Brighton and Colchester Fringe Festivals in 2021 and Leicester, Cambridge and Hastings in 2022.
On twitter at @paulmerryck