"Cally Beaton is an exciting and hilarious new talent,
definitely one to watch.
Sometimes you just know when someone’s got it – and she’s
got it.”
Tim Arthur, Time Out
"Funny, feisty, full-on and a must-see. Cally Beaton is
superbly engaging and original”
Peter Bennett-Jones, PBJ Management
"hits exactly the right balance of feminism and funny – very
John Christopher Wood, Bath Comedy Festival
"Cally Beaton is one of the funniest new comics I’ve seen in
the past five years.
See her now before success or bitterness destroy her.”
Logan Murray
comedian, actor & author of Be A Great
Stand Up
"Cally Beaton has a very funny and original comedic voice.”
Andy Engel, Gotham Comedy Club Director of New Talent
"Cally Beaton is a great comedian who puts the war in heart
warming stories of modern life. Love her!”
Charlotte Ashton
Creative Director, Comic Relief
"Cally is an incredibly funny comedian.
Her comedy style is anecdotal and observational. Catch her
On twitter at @callybeaton